Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here is What is Happening at The Wisconsin State Capitol Today

The mainstream media is not covering most of the ongoing events in Wisconsin. The state capitol is still under daily siege, with physical threats and violence, and frequent arrests.

Names have been redacted or changed.


Good Afternoon, Wisconsin Taxpayers.

Here are a few items that are taking place at your State Capitol that you might like to be aware of:

1) The State Budget passed the Assembly around 3 a.m. this morning. The full Senate convened this morning around 11 a.m. to the sounds of shouting protesters and have now broken for Caucus. To add to the political theater we have become so accustomed to here at the Capitol, I just heard protesters have used bicycle locks to lock themselves to the balcony on the 3rd Floor Gallery overlooking the Senate Chambers. If you would like to follow the budget debate throughout the day, click here:

2) Publishing the Recent Wis. Supreme Court Ruling - "Unlike the state lawsuit the Supreme Court dismissed this week, the federal case does not seek to prevent Secretary of State Doug La Follette from publishing the law, the last step before it can take effect. La Follette said Wednesday that he plans to publish the law on June 28 unless a federal judge orders him not to."
Full article:

Contact Information for the Secretary of State:

3) Another Air Horn Incident - Here is a nice blog recap that came to my attention this morning containing pictures involving another Air Horn incident at the Capitol yesterday as well as pictures of some fine Wisconsinites taking a stand on Flag Day -

4) Segway Guy video - (See the "Protests Escalate" tab on the right side-2 minute video)

5) Capitol Police Reports - As of recent, we started receiving reports about incidents at the Capitol such as the one posted below detailing arrests made, etc. (The protester cited for drug paraphernalia may be a holdover from last week's "Free the Weed" Pot Rally.)

The timing of these reports is most interesting in light of Representative Farrow's recent letter to Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs expressing concerns about the poor handling of protesters which has led to the bullying of other innocent Capitol visitors.

I am trying to get you the latest information regarding the lastest pricetag Wisconsin's taxpayers will be shouldering because of some of the over-the-top the actions of some Capitol protesters. The last estimate I read was in the range of $7 Million in police salaries and clean up.

The Noon hour protest rally is getting underway right now in the Rotunda.

- A

From: B
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:20 AM
To: 'WI Dept. of Military Affairs'
Subject: Situation Report 13, June 15, 2011 6pm, on behalf of Capitol Police

Dear Dept. of Military Affairs,

We would appreciate the removal of the officer that has been stationed on the Ground Floor-South Entrance which is a closed entrance to the public.

Just as inspecting/wanding 1,000s of little 4th graders taking school tours was a waste of taxpayer dollars, so too is having an officer stationed in the hallway all day reading the newspaper, playing with their cell phones, laptops, etc.

Thank you.

- B's Staff

From: WI Dept. of Military Affairs []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 7:09 PM
To: B
Subject: Situation Report 13, June 15, 2011 6pm, on behalf of Capitol Police

Situation Report #13

Date: June 15, 2011

Time: 6:00 p.m.

WI Legislature
- The Assembly reconvened this afternoon to consider the state budget bill in Extraordinary Session.
- Visitors to the Capitol should refer to the rules of conduct posted on-line at

Law Enforcement
- There have been four arrests at the Capitol today. Three individuals were removed from the Assembly Gallery and charged with disorderly conduct and one was cited for drug paraphernalia while coming through screening.
- Law enforcement continues to be provided by Capitol Police, WI State Patrol, UW Police and WI Department of Natural Resources wardens.

Capitol Access
- The Capitol is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for regular business hours. Visitors entering the Capitol will be screened.
- The four entrances open to the public are North Hamilton Street, Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd, East Washington Avenue and West Washington Avenue. Persons with physical disabilities can enter through the Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, East Washington Avenue and West Washington Avenue entrances.
- At 6:00 p.m. tonight, three of the public entrance doors will be closed – consistent with normal procedures. The Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. will remain open to the public until the legislative work concludes for the day. This practice of closing all but one entrance after the end of regular Capitol business hours when the legislature remains in session has been a longstanding practice going back through several administrations.

- The following items are not allowed inside the Capitol:
Signs on sticks
Bull horns, whistles, drums and other noise makers
Tape for posting signs
Tents and/or sleeping bags

- The following items are allowed inside the Capitol:
Bottles of water
Signs (not on sticks and signs cannot be posted on the Capitol walls)
Other Information

The public can email questions to or call (608) 267-3839.


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