The Bifurcation Of The United States Is Underway
The left no longer recognizes the Constitution or applicable state law as legitimate -- they only recognize their biased system, but will use our existing system against us, and will claim we are "forcing" them to do so. They cry out in pain as they strike you.
💊🚨 If you understand Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, you will understand how the left views all resistance to the existing systems as justified. This is why pointing out the left's hypocrisy is useless. They do not recognize it as hypocrisy because they do not consider your rules legitimate. Only their rules and goals are legitimate.
The left uses the existing system to destroy you. All actions of resistance are justified in their minds, whether illegal according to the existing system or not, because they do not recognize the existing systems of governance, economy, etc., as legitimate.
Someone on Twitter said:
"They lie right to your face without hesitation. Only psychopaths can do that."
No, political zealots also do that, routinely. Think of the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, radical feminists, CEI adherents, marxists, and any other political movement dedicated to tearing down an entire society to rebuild it in the image of their totalitarian ideology, does that.
The Colorado court decision on removing Trump, the most popular candidate in the country of any party, from the Colorado GOP primary ballot, is the first shot across the bow in the newly-accelerating bifurcation of the United States into two ideological political divisions. The lefthand political division will continue to ban Donald Trump from the ballots in blue states.
This will affect you, personally, and your loved ones, whether or not you agree with this statement, whether or not you are are a Trump supporter, a normie or indifferent to politics.
The lefthanders will continue to pass new laws, ignore existing laws they don't like, and make new court decisions against those who espouse the opposing political opinion. They are building their ideal society. If you are in one of these states and you espouse the opposite political opinion, or even if you disagree with the lefthanders on any particular topic, you're in danger.
The lefthanders require 100% compliance with whatever opinion they have that day, even if it conflicts with the opinion they held yesterday. 100% compliance is required and thinking is discouraged. Following is required. For the lefthanders, the book Nineteen-Eighty Four is a how-to manual, not a dystopian cautionary tale.
If you are in a state with predominantly espouses the other side, start outlawing lefthander ideology and expelling lefthanders. Remove them from ballots, check for ID, do background checks and social media profile analysis before allowing them into your state. Because they will never stop subverting your state. It is their ideology. To them you are an enemy and a target, even though they don't know you. Your existence is an ideological challenge to their power.
And it is 100% about power. whether or not you agree with this statement, or whether or not you have a suspicious demeanor toward lefthanders, is irrelevant. You are the enemy. You just existing is an offense requiring your elimination.
This has happened before, many times. No purist ideology can survive with any individual or group existing in noncompliance with it. Therefore existing in noncompliance is viewed as a direct challenge to it. We saw this during the Coof Lockdowns and Vaxxx Mandates. Those who would not wear a mask, those who would not take the jab, were persecuted severely. Lefthander totalitarians compelled compliance through applying successive levels of institutional pain and even physical death. Recall that people who opted not to get the clot shot were denied basic services, employment, medical services, and even were medically tortured in hospital prisons against their will, force-intubated, force-vaxxxed, tied down, denied water and and starved. Many died because they realized too late (or never realized) that the institutions of hospitals and allopathic medicine has been turned against those who do not comply with globalist medical policies of the WHO and CDC.
(When did the takeover of medicine happen? 0bamacare, in 2010. We warned you. You did not listen. You ridiculed us. We were right.)
The lefthanders send their opponents to federal prison without trials, incarcerated in isolation without charges, without legal representation, beat them and deprive them of food. The message is that resistance will be punished severely. Like the Borg, they say "resistance is futile".
To the lefthanders, religion, commerce, social order, family, children, property, industry, everything must be directly controlled to ensure any dissident ideology has no opportunity to spring up and what exists now is permanently destroyed.
The lefthanders do not want reconciliation. They want control, power, and obedience. Consider the case of the Civil War Reconciliation Monument in Arlington Cemetery. The lefthand side started to remove it, a Clinton judge (who happens to be black) issued an injunction, the Biteme administration waived the injunction for 10 minutes, and in 10 minutes the crane swooped in, and removed the monument. Government never moves that fast; that's an ideology moving that fast.This administration is showing you every day they only care about ideology. They facilitate an invasion of fighting-age men at the southern border (300,000 this month), they remove reconciliation statues in cemeteries (remember when they said statues in cemeteries would remain untouched?), they do not care about Americans left behind in war zones (Afghanistan, Gaza). The lefthanders are globalist totalitarian marxists. Which means you are the enemy, and the United States as it is constituted, itself is the enemy.
The lefthander ideology is a cancer on humanity. It is evil. This is why, if you want to live in peace eventually, you must act now to eliminate this cancer now in your sphere of influence and in your county and town. Send people to your state capital that will ensure passing law to ban this evil totalitarian lefthander ideology.
Build a parallel economy. Get some land--even a small plot--and raise chickens, potatoes and find local sources of meat and dairy if you can't grow it yourself. Defend your land borders and loved ones as necessary (you must learn to play by their rules).
It will get hairy. Remember, your opting out and creating a parallel microeconomy is seen as a direct challenge to their power so expect you will not be left in peace but you will be able to survive the bifurcation.
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